
Peer-reviewed publications

Find scientific publications by visiting Maude Perreault’s Google Scholar page.


Maude presented to parents on food literacy through a Nexus Health Santé webinar

In October 2024, Maude presented a webinar on the topic of supporting young children to develop their food literacy. This webinar was aimed at parents and educators in Ontario, and will be available for free, on the Nexus Health Santé youtube chain.

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Nina receives a recruitment scholarship from UdeM

Nina has been awarded a Université de Montréal Graduate and Postdoctoral Recruitment Scholarship to begin her MSc program with our team. Congratulations, and we’re delighted to have you on board!

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Participation in the Symposium Santé Durable du FRQ-Santé

Maude was a panelist at the FRQ-Santé Sustainable Health Symposium in September 2024. She took part in the panel entitled “Mobilizing stakeholders – expressing and exercising our different roles, bringing together our diverse, diversified, cross-sector expertise” and shared her professional experiences of research in co-construction with community partners. A day rich in exchanges that motivate us to continue down this path!

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Two grants to conduct a scoping review of the literature on anti-racism trainings

We have obtained two grants; one from the Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Humaines via the Exploration program at the Université de Montréal, and the other from the FRQ-Société et culture via a team grant for the Équipe FUTUR. This will enable us to take stock of the literature on anti-racist training using simulation as a pedagogical approach in the health sciences. This data could help us in the creation of anti-racist training for dietitians.

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A SSHRC grant to describe the socio-demographic profile of the dietetics profession

We have been awarded a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council’s Développement Savoir competition (2024-2026) to develop a socio-demographic portrait of dietitians across Canada. This project will enable us to collect data to better describe the profession, and thus give us the opportunity to measure interventions aimed at diversifying the profession. The project will also enable us to explore dietitians’ perceptions of discrimination and their sense of belonging to the profession.

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Excellence scholarships for graduate students in the team

All graduated students have been awarded scholarships for excellence in the Department of Nutrition’s Winter 2024 competition. Congratulations to all! A wonderful recognition of your ongoing efforts!

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Grant to explore the admissions process for nutrition programs in Canada

The team is delighted to have been awarded a grant from the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research (2024-2026), which will enable us to explore the admission processes and selection criteria of nutrition programs in Canada. This project will enable us to identify inclusive practices and adopt ways of doing things that will ensure better access to the profession for candidates from marginalized groups.

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Maude on a podcast for the Canadian Nutrition Society

Maude participated in the recording of a podcast on the subject of food literacy for the Canadian Nutrition Society. It’s always a pleasure to discuss this topic and share our research projects with the scientific community.

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Binta presents her preliminary results orally at an international conference

Binta had the opportunity to present her preliminary research results orally at the International Congress of Dietetics and Nutrition in June 2024. The event was also a great opportunity to network and exchange ideas. Congratulations Binta!

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Notre équipe présente à l’ACFAS 2024 à l’Université d’Ottawa

Our team was well represented at the ACFAS annual conference in May through the participation of our members in the symposium on toddler nutrition. Jasmine and Nihad gave oral presentations on their projects, while Maude spoke on the development of children’s food literacy. Congratulations to all!

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Students present their research at the Journée de la Recherche du Département de Nutrition

Nihad and Jasmine presented their Master’s project via a poster presentation, while Binta gave an oral presentation for which she won a presentation award. Congratulations to all three of you on a job well done!

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Maude interviewed on Radio-Canada’s Les années lumières radio program

Maude took part in an interview highlighting Manger! L’expo qui nourrit at the Musée de la santé Armand-Frappier (2023-2024) and at the Musée Québécois de l’Agriculture et l’Alimentation (2024-25). This exhibition is part of the food literacy research project, in which young visitors are invited to share their best food-related memories. In the May 5, 2024 interview, we hear children from all cultures evoke their memories, with their families, sharing favorite dishes or family traditions around food. Maude talks about this research project and the notion of pleasure in food as a vector for healthy eating habits.

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Collaboration to the development of the Je cuisine avec simplicité toolbox

Maude collaborated with a team of registered dietitians from the Association québécoise pour la distribution des Fruits et Légumes to create the Je cuisine avec simplicité toolbox. These 40 educational videos, developed by dietitians, present cooking notions and recipes based on 10 featured local and seasonal foods, to support the food literacy of socially vulnerable families. The project is in partnership with the Regroupement Des Cuisines Collectives Du Québec and the Réseau Alimentaire de l’Est de Montréal. It’s free and available online: simple recipes, with easy-to-find ingredients, via videos that present the steps one by one to help us cook, whatever our level of expertise.

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Maude was interviewed for the launch of the Guide ÉducaMiam: Cultivating a positive relationship to food

After a year of work led by the Association québécoise pour la Garde Scolaire, the official launch of the Guide ÉducaMiam took place in March 2024. As part of their inspiring vidéos, Maude was interviewed as a food literacy expert to discuss positive practices that school teams can adopt to support the development of relational food literacy in children. ÉducaMiam is a practical guide for children to develop a healthy relationship with food!

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Student wins prestigious CIHR MSc research scholarship

Binta has been awarded a $17,500 CIHR Master’s Scholarship for her research project entitled “Racism experienced by Black dietitians in Canada: a barrier to entry into the profession”. Congrats!

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Four students receive excellence scholarships from the Department of Nutrition

Selma, Jasmine and Nihad were each awarded a $1,500 scholarship for excellence from the Department of Nutrition at the UdeM. Binta received a 2-year Jean-Paul Houle Excellence Scholarship worth $3,000. Congratulations to all on the recognition of your efforts!

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A student wins a MSc scholarship from the CRI-JaDE center

Selma has been awarded a $1,500 scholarship from the Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur la Justice Intersectionnelle, la Décolonisation et l’Équité (CRI-JaDE) for her MSc work. Congratulations on this award, which testifies to the quality of your work!

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Our team obtains funding to organize a forum to improve the quality of life of people living with celiac disease

Our research team, in partnership with Coeliaque Québec, the Bureau of Social Responsibility of the faculty of medicine of UdeM, CHU Sainte-Justine and the Association des gastro-entérologues du Québec, has obtained funding from UdeM’s Vice-Rectorat au partenariats communautaires et internationaux. As part of the Soutien aux initiatives avec les collectivités et les entreprises – Collaboration avec les organismes communautaires competition, this funding will enable us to hold a Forum-Citoyen in the fall of 2024 to bring together patients, healthcare professionals and other members to reflect together on ways to improve the quality of life of celiac disease patients and ensure their social inclusion.

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Conference PREMIER of the Faculty of medicine of the Université de Montréal

On January 26 during the conference PREMIER, Charlotte and Catherine did a poster presentation to present the work they did during the summer. Charlotte worked on the validation of the questionnaire for the project on positive food memories, as part of the exhibition at the Musée de la santé Armand-Frappier. Catherine explored the links between indicators of social vulnerability and food literacy among people living with coeliac disease. Catherine received an award of excellence for her presentation. Congratulations!

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Two Students Receive Master’s Recruitment Scholarships

Nihad and Binta, who will each be starting their Master’s degree with the team in Winter 2024, have each been awarded a $5,000 Université de Montréal Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies recruitment scholarship. Congratulations!

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My Lab in 180 Seconds

Maude was invited to present the team’s research areas in a lightning #mylabin180seconds presentation at the Faculté de Médecine de l’Université de Montréal faculty assembly on December 6, 2023. Challenging, but certainly a great opportunity for our team to shine!

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Two Students Receive Excellence Scholarships From the Department of Nutrition

In the Fall 2023 competition, Selma was awarded a $1240 scholarship for excellence in nutrition. Jasmine received a Université de Montréal Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Excellence Scholarship worth $1,500. Well-deserved recognition – congratulations!

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In-Class Research Project: Forum Bien manger à l’école

Our team took advantage of the Forum Bien manger à l’école event, organized by the Programme d’alimentation scolaire universel au Québec, to carry out a research project with dietetic students in the 4 cohorts of our undergrad program. During her public health nutrition research internship with our team, Alisia created an online survey to poll students on their ambitions towards public health nutrition, and measure the impact of exposure to this large-scale advocacy effort on their attitudes. The results will be analyzed once the Fall 2023 session is over!

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Interview for a Food Literacy Article in L’itinéraire Magazine

Maude was interviewed for the special feature “Littératie alimentaire: Savez-vous cuisiner des choix?” published in L’Itinéraire magazine in November 2023. A great way to talk critically about the concept of food literacy and to discuss the social inequalities that can hinder the development of food literacy for certain groups.

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Interview for Coeliaque Québec Magazine

Catherine was interviewed to share the results of her research project completed this summer on the links between social vulnerability and food literacy among adults living with celiac disease. A great opportunity to share her work with the adults concerned. Thank you for your work, Catherine!

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Université de Montréal Health Sciences Student Symposium, 3rd edition, November 2023

Members of our team took part in the symposium. Maude led a nutrition knowledge mobilization workshop. Selma presented a poster entitled “Littératie alimentaire, stratégies d’adaptation et alimentation des ménages à faible revenu”, while Nihad, who will begin her Master’s degree in Winter 2024, took part in the workshops. As for Charlotte and Catherine, they were selected to compete in the knowledge translation presentation contest. They each presented the results of their PREMIER summer research internships. Catherine was awarded the prize for best presentation. Well done to the whole team!

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Publication: Eating Practises Screener

As a result of Maude’s work during her post-doc at the University of Guelph and their collaboration with Health Canada, the tool developed and validated in French and English to measure the eating behaviours of Canadian adults in accordance with Canada’s Food Guide 2019 has finally been published! A real team effort!

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Researchers’ Night 2023: A Science Outreach Event for the Public

Our team was invited by our collaborator Le Musée de la santé Armand-Frappier to take part in the Nuit des chercheuses et des chercheurs on November 10, 2023. In addition to chatting with visitors about nutrition and the idea of pleasure, we were able to invite them to share their best food memories with us. An unconventional approach to data collection, in continuity with our data collection as part of the museum exhibit. Charlotte, Alisia and Nihad joined Maude to represent the team and ensure great exchanges with the visitors. Thank you for this wonderful outreach!

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CIUSSS Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal Annual Research Day

At the event held on November 3, 2023, Maude was invited as a new researcher to take part in a round-table discussion on her career path and her research interests in public health nutrition. It was a lively discussion!

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Research at the museum: Manger! L’exposition qui nourrit

The new exhibit Manger! L’exposition qui nourrit, developed by Bernard Lavallée and the Musée de la santé Armand-Frappier, was launched on October 2, 2023. As an integral part of this exhibit, our research project consists of an activity in which visitors are invited to share their best food memories. Working closely with the museum, Charlotte spent the summer validating and implementing the bilingual data collection questionnaire. While Alisia analyzed some preliminary results during her public health nutrition research internship, Nihad will take over as part of his Master’s degree in nutrition starting in Winter 2024.

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ÉducaMiam Guide: Cultivating positive eating habits

Maude was invited to join the advisory group for the Ensemble pour développer la littératie alimentaire des enfants project, spearheaded by the Groupe de travail sur la saine alimentation durant l’enfance with financial support from the Government of Quebec. Coordinated by the Association québécoise de la garde scolaire, this guide on children’s food literacy aims to develop the essential skills needed for a positive relationship with food. The guide is available free online. A great tool for elementary school caregivers.

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Interview on Youth Food Literacy for the Magazine 100degrés

Maude was interviewed by the 100degrés collective for the article “Littératie alimentaire: des apprentissages précieux pour l’autonomie des jeunes“. She discussed the importance of developing food literacy skills early on in life, from the perspective of acquiring essential skills to become an independent adult.

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Nutrium Continuing Education Day

Maude was asked to lead the Nutrium Continuing Education Day on Nutrition and Perinatal Care: Updates and Perspectives on October 20, 2023. In hybrid mode, it was a very dynamic event, with plenty of opportunities for exchange with fellow dietitians.

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Launch of the Little Free Library La Boîte à livres de Liliane

After a summer of planning and building with Gabriel April-Lalonde, a PhD student in the Department of Nutrition, the little free library Boîte à livres de Liliane has finally been installed on the 2nd floor of the Liliane-de-Stewart building. The library contains books that explore society’s contemporary challenges, as well as a diversity of authors and points of view that will stimulate reflection and dialogue, beyond nutrition. An Instagram account @LilianeLit enhances the library as we showcase shared books, discuss our reads, and exchange recommendations for reads that have made an impact on us. We also invite dietitian-authors to share their professional journeys through interviews. The project is supported by a grant from the Fonds d’amélioration de la vie étudiante de l’Université de Montréal. Charlotte is coordinating the initiative with the help of Alisia and Alexia. Great reading ahead!

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Two Students Awarded PREMIER Summer Research Scholarships

Charlotte and Catherine have each been awarded a $6,000 research scholarship for a summer internship by the Faculty of Medicine’s PREMIER program. They will each complete a 13-week internship with the team. Catherine will work on our collaboration with Coeliaque Québec to explore the links between social vulnerability and celiac disease. Charlotte will be working on our collaboration with the Musée de la santé Armand-Frappier to launch our data collection for the new exhibit Manger! l’exposition qui nourrit to be launched this fall. Congratulations! We’re lucky to have you with us this summer!

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Department of Nutrition Research Day

The Department of Nutrition held its annual Research Day on May 18, 2023. Maude was invited to take part in a round-table discussion on her career path and the future of nutrition research. Selma presented a poster entitled “Littératie alimentaire des ménages à faible revenu dans les secteurs défavorisés de Montréal: Associations avec les stratégies d’adaptation utilisées en situation d’insécurité alimentaire et la qualité de l’alimentation”. Jasmine was awarded 1st prize for best oral presentation for her presentation entitled “Interventions les plus efficaces pour améliorer la durée de l’allaitement chez les femmes primipares – protocole pour une revue de la portée”. Congratulations!

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People’s Choice Award: Research Day of the Centre de Pédagogie Appliquée aux Sciences de la Santé

Binta won People’s choice award at the research day of the Centre de pédagogie appliquée aux sciences de la santé (CPASS) of the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine, held on May 17, 2023. She gave an oral presentation of her findings from a literature review conducted as part of the NUT3035 Mini-mémoire et Séminaire course. Her presentation was entitled “L’effacement des personnes noires en diététique: une pratique perpétuant les inégalités systémiques”. Binta stood out from the other presenters, who were mostly doctors and residents, brilliantly representing the team and the profession! Bravo Binta!

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Student Wins CIHR MSc Research Scholarship

Jasmine has been awarded a $17,500 CIHR MSc scholarship for her research project entitled “Interventions les plus efficaces pour améliorer la durée de l’allaitement chez les femmes primipares, revue de la portée”, co-directed with Véronique Gingras.